
On our website, you might find phrases or terms you are unfamiliar with. In this section, you can find definitions to help you better understand the systems, services, and practices put to use by our community.
Systems-Level Definitions will provide a better understanding of terms relevant for providers and others who are facilitating systems-level work.
Best Practices Definitions describe ideal approaches for providing services to people experiencing homelessness.
General Definitions help the public to better understand the different services people experiencing homelessness may receive from providers.

Systems-Level Definitions

Best Practice Definitions

General Definitions


AIG: Action Plan Implementation Grant 

APR: Annual Performance Report 

CAFTH: Community Alliance for the Homeless 

CH: Chronic Homelessness 

CoC: Continuum of Care Program 

CPD: Community Planning and Development 

DCS: Department of Children’s Services

DHS: Department of Human Services 

DV: Domestic Violence 

ES: Emergency Shelter 

ESG: Emergency Solutions Grant 

FMR: Fair Market Rent 

HF: Housing First 

HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS 

HMIS: Homeless Management Information System 

HPRP: Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing 

HQS: Housing Quality Standards 

HUD: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 

MCO: Managed Care Organization 

MUM: Memphis Union Mission 

NOFA: Notice of Funding Availability 

PRBA: Project Based Rental Assistance 

PH: Permanent Housing 

PHC: Project Homeless Connect 

PIT: Point in Time Count 

PSH: Permanent Supportive Housing 

ROI: Release of Information 

RRH: Rapid Re-housing 

RHY: Runaway and Homeless Youth 

S+C: Shelter plus Care 

SSVF: Supportive Services for Veteran Families 

SAMHSA: US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency 

SRO: Single Room Occupancy 

SSDI: Social Security Disability Insurance Program 

SSI: Supplemental Security Income Benefit 

TA: Technical Assistance 

TANF: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Cash welfare program 

TAY VI-SPDAT: Transition Age Youth – Vulnerability Index Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (Youth 18-24) 

TBRA: Tenant Based Rental Assistance housing program 

TH: Transitional Housing VA: Department of Veterans Affairs 

VAMC: Veteran Affairs Medical Center 

VASH: Veterans Administration Supportive Housing 

VAWA: Violence Against Women Act 

VI-SPDAT: Vulnerability Index Service Priority Determination Assessment Tool 

WIA: Workforce Investment Act 

WIN: Workforce Investment Network

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