CoC Planning
As the lead agency for the TN-501 Continuum of Care, Community Alliance for the Homeless provides year-round planning and support for the Consortium and serves as the Collaborative Applicant for the CoC Program’s annual application to HUD. The organization also coordinates all HUD-mandated activities as required.
A CoC’s three primary responsibilities under the CoC Program interim rule include the following:
To operate successfully, a CoC must fulfill the following responsibilities specific in the CoC Program interim rule:
- Conduct semi-annual meetings of the full membership
- Issue a public invitation for new members, at least annually
- Adopt and follow a written process to select a board
- Appoint additional committees, subcommittees, or workgroups
- Develop and follow a governance charter detaining the responsibilities of all parties
- Consult with recipients and sub-recipients to establish performance targets appropriate for populations and program type, monitor the performance of recipients and sub-recipients, evaluate outcomes, and take action against poor performers
- Evaluate and report to HUD outcomes of ESG and CoC Projects
- Establish and operate a centralized or coordinated assessment system
- Establish and follow written standards for providing CoC assistance
With respect to planning responsibilities, the CoC must:
- Coordinate the implementation of a housing and service system within its geographic area
- Conduct a Point-in-Time count of homeless persons, at least biennially
- Conduct an annual gaps analysis
- Provide information required to complete the Consolidated Plan(s)
- Consult with ESG recipients regarding the allocation of ESG funds and the evaluation of the performance of ESG recipients and subrecipients