Emergency Shelters

All Genders:

Room in the Inn FREE  409 Ayers St. 
Room in the Inn’s Congregational Shelter winter season operates Nov. 1 – March 31.
New guest registration is from 4:00-4:30pm, daily for families with children and on Tuesdays and Fridays for individuals.
Returning guests check in from 4:30-5:00pm every day. 
Registration and Check-In is at First Presbyterian Church, 166 Poplar Avenue.
Room in the Inn is always free. There are no vouchers. 
Space is limited, and all spaces are filled by 5pm. 
Guests will be divided into smaller groups and transported to host locations for the evening, receive a meal and a safe place to sleep and be transported back downtown by 7am the following morning. 
Dorothy Day House FREE  1429 Poplar Ave.
A small shelter that keeps homeless families together, creating a safe haven and a community for entire families.
Living for Christ Restoration House $13/night3095 Thomas St. 
Feeding, housing, and clothing homeless men and women.
Youth Emergency Center  FREE2055 Southern Ave 
The Youth Emergency Center (YEC) provides wrap-around support for LGBTQ+ young adults ages 16-24 in crisis.

Men Only:

Calvary Rescue Mission $5/night960 Third St. 
Men’s shelter (21+), must have ID SSN offering 2 meals per day and clothing. The first three stays are free. Check in is at 4PM.
Memphis Union Mission $6/night after 2 pm  383 Poplar Ave 
Men’s Emergency Shelter and Opportunity Center Must have proof of ID, COVID-19 Vaccination Card or recent negative COVID test. Check in is from 9am-2pm (free) after 2PM ($6), after 7pm not allowed to enter or exit the building.

Women Only:

Agape Child and Family Services FREE  3160 Directors Rd. 
Serves homeless women, pregnant women, and mothers with up to 3 children with transitional housing and support.
Families in Transition (FIT) FREE  111 Racine St. 
An effort to serve homeless women and mothers fleeing domestic violence through transitional housing and support.
Hospitality Hub FREE  

590 Washington Ave, Memphis, TN 38105
A centralized hub of information and services for homeless persons in Memphis and Shelby County. LGBT Friendly
Missionaries of Charity Shelter FREE  700 N. 7th Street
(901) 527-4947
For women and children to stay from 3PM-8AM and receive breakfast for up to three weeks.
Salvation Army Purdue Center of Hope FREE  696 Jackson Ave. 
Provides long term (up to two year) transitional housing for women with up to three children. Please call first.
Salvation Army Single Women’s Lodge FREE696 Jackson Ave. 
Her Faith Ministries, Inc. FREE 3396 Park Ave 
Provides transitional housing, support, food, clothing, bus passes, GED assistance. Tu-F 9AM-4PM 
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