FY2024 CoC Builds NOFO

The CoC Builds Grant is a HUD-facilitated funding opportunity. Funds may be awarded to competitive projects in CoC geographical areas that leverage funds for the construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Units to ultimately reduce the number of folks experiencing homelessness. By leveraging these funds, communities can expand their housing capacity and offer long-term solutions to individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

What is PSH?

Eligibility for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) typically targets individuals
and families where one or more family members are experiencing chronic homelessness and have a disability.

Interested in Learning More?
X7/22/2024HUD released the CoCBuilds NOFO
2:59:59 pm
Letter of Intent/ Proposal Outline due to Stephanie@cafth.org by 2:59:59 pm

– The brief letter of intent should be on agency letterhead and needs to confirm agency eligibility based on the threshold requirements outlined in the 2024 CoC Builds Nofo.
– The proposal outline and the additional narrative document should be emailed with the letter of intent to Stephanie@cafth.org by 10/16/24 at 2:59:59 pm.
10/18/2024The rank and review committee meets to review submitted proposals.
10/18/2024Projects notified of acceptance or rejection.
11/15/2024Selected full project application due to Stephanie@cafth.org
11/21/2024Submission to HUD.
*Dates are subject to change
as published by HUD
How do I obtain the application package for this NOFO?

The CoCBuilds application is only available through
Grants.gov. You will find the CoCBuilds NOFO information
including the Package tab to access the application
package: https://www.grants.gov/search-resultsdetail/355516.

Your application must list the applicable Funding Opportunity Number.

How is this NOFO different from the CoC Program Competition NOFO?

All activities under the CoCBuilds NOFO are eligible activities under the CoC Program statute and regulations. This NOFO provides targeted funding to CoCs to add new Permanent Supportive Housing units in its geographic area through new construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition to provide housing and services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness where at least one member of the household has a disability.

How many projects does HUD anticipate awarding?

We anticipate awarding 25 projects under this NOFO.

What is the match requirement?

The CoCBuilds NOFO has a 25 percent match requirement
that can be cash or in-kind, or a combination of both. See 24
CFR 578.73 for additional information regarding the match.

Where can I obtain a copy of the HUD-2991, Certification of Consistency with the
Consolidated Plan?

You can obtain the fillable PDF document at
Ensure the document is accurately completed and then
signed and dated by your jurisdiction’s authorized official

Who completes and submits the application?

-The application should be completed by the
organization that is requesting the funds.
-Completed applications must be forwarded to your
CoC’s designated Collaborative Applicant for review.
-The Continuum of Care’s designated Collaborative
Applicant will submit the application via Grants.gov.

Do we need to specify the supportive services or operating cost categories we intend to provide? It is not clear on the budget form where this information should be entered.

On the budget workbook, please enter any CoC Program
eligible supportive services or operating cost as specified in
the CoC Program regulations, under the ‘Other Direct Costs’
section of the budget workbook.
24 CFR 578.53 – Operating Costs
24 CFR 578.55 – Supportive Services

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