Youth Homelessness demonstration Program (YHDP)
In the fall of 2021, Memphis/Shelby County was selected by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to participate in Round 4/5 of the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). The goal of the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) is to support selected communities in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Through this grant, Memphis/Shelby County will receive $3.8 million to design and implement innovative housing programs that meet the unique needs of youth and young adults experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in our community.
This work is led by the Memphis/Shelby County Continuum of Care (CoC) lead agency, Community Alliance for the Homeless (CAFTH). CAFTH facilitated plan development and implementation, coordinated local stakeholder engagement, and worked with HUD Technical Assistance providers to achieve YHDP core outcomes.
We envision a future where every youth and young adult in our community has access to safe, stable, and affirming housing.
We strive to achieve a future without youth homelessness. Guided by youth leadership, we seek to develop a comprehensive network of community services that are culturally affirming, trauma-informed, low-barrier, and accessible to all youth and young adults in our community. Any youth or young adult that experiences homelessness or housing insecurity will be quickly connected to safe, stable, affirming, and permanent housing.
Coordinated Community Plan (CCP)

The Memphis/Shelby County Coordinated Community Plan to Prevent and End Youth Homelessness is a product of a comprehensive planning process that brought together youth leaders from the Memphis Youth Action Board and adult stakeholders from across the system of care to develop a coordinated community response to youth homelessness. The YHDP Core Planning Team represents the group of key community stakeholders who were responsible for the development of the CCP and ensuring that it includes all required elements, aligns with system needs, and reflects the collective vision. The YHDP Core Planning Team was formed in November 2021 and met weekly through April 2022 to create the Memphis/ Shelby County Coordinated Community Plan. The CCP is intended to guide local efforts over the next three years to prevent youth homelessness in Memphis/Shelby County. We encourage all individuals interested in working to end youth homelessness to read the CCP and identify how you can contribute to this collective effort.
YHDP Request for Proposals
2022 YHDP Request for Proposals Resources
Youth Resources
The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program has led to the creation of several new housing and supportive services projects for youth experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Memphis/Shelby County. Check out our Youth Resource page for more information about programs and services for youth and young adults ages 18 – 24.