Community Alliance for the Homeless follows an equal opportunity employment policy and employs personnel without regard to race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status.
We are always eager to hear from experienced, qualified candidates who can help us achieve our mission of ending homelessness in Memphis/Shelby County. To apply for any of the positions below, send a cover letter & resume to Please include the name of the position in the subject line.
Current Openings
COO & Vice President
The Vice President & COO will report to and partner closely with the President & CEO to achieve the organization’s mission and vision and lead the organizational effectiveness by managing operational functions of finance, accounting, contracts, and human resources. The Vice President & COO shares the responsibility with the President & CEO for profitability and loss, including pro-active cash flow management and assists with the development and implementation of a comprehensive fund development program to include current grant programs/funders, foundations, and new sources, as determined.
Job Characterization
To apply, send a cover letter & resume to Please include the name of the position in the subject line.
Coordinated Entry Special Populations Coordinator
The Coordinated Entry Special Populations Coordinator is responsible for the continued implementation and evaluation of the Coordinated Entry System (CES) as it relates to special populations. This position will work closely with agencies participating in Memphis/Shelby County Continuum of Cares CES and will engage in technical assistance and ongoing training with staff from partner agencies. This position will be responsible for facilitation of work groups and meetings regarding CES and for creating reports used to evaluate the CES.
Coordinated Entry Special Populations Coordinator
To apply, send a cover letter & resume to Please include the name of the position in the subject line.
Homeless Management Information System Administrator
The Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) Administrator will report to and partner closely with the HMIS Director to administer all aspects of the HMIS System(s), including providing continuous HMIS support to the Memphis/Shelby County CoC, technical assistance, training, reporting and provide support to all HMIS related committees.
Homeless Management Information System Administrator Job Description
To apply, send a cover letter & resume to Please include the name of the position in the subject line.
Memphis Youth Action Board (YAB) Leadership Cohort – Open Positions
The Memphis Youth Action Board (YAB) Leadership Cohort is a 1-year professional development and leadership position designed to inspire young people to assume positions of leadership, receive specialized training, and develop professional skills that will support their personal and career growth. As a YAB Leadership Cohort Member, you will spearhead activities and projects that further the YAB’s mission and goals to end youth homelessness within Memphis and Shelby County.
There are four open YAB Leadership Cohort Positions. For more information on each position, please review the attached job descriptions below.
Vice Chair – YAB Leadership Cohort Vice Chair Position
Social Media Lead – YAB Leadership Cohort Social Media Lead Position
Project & Event Lead – YAB Leadership Cohort Project & Event Lead Position
Community Liaison – YAB Leadership Cohort Community Liaison Position
Interested candidates can apply for up to two Leadership Cohort positions. For directions to apply, please review the attached job descriptions and send a cover letter & resume to Please include the name of the position in the subject line.